"History teaches that grave threats to liberty often come in times of urgency, when constitutional rights seem too extravagant to endure."
— Justice Thurgood Marshall (1989)
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The full text of the secret Teguba Report, detailing the abuse and torture of Iraqi prisoners at Abu Ghraib Prison by members of the US military. Includes the section on "ghost detainees" (prisoners secretly held with no record of their detention) that is missing from many public versions. Also includes photos. Posted Sun 05/09/2004
(Continuation from part 1 of this post.) The full text of the secret Teguba Report, detailing the abuse and torture of Iraqi prisoners at Abu Ghraib Prison by members of the US military. Includes the section on "ghost detainees" (prisoners secretly held with no record of their detention) that is missing from many public versions. Also includes photos. Posted Sun 05/09/2004
The full text (as declassified) of the Presidential Daily Briefing of Aug. 6, 2001, titled "Bin Ladin Determined to Strike in US." Transcribed from a photographic copy. The text below is formatted similarly to the original. All italics and name... Posted Sat 04/10/2004
Photo reproductions of the declassified version of the Presidential Daily Briefing of August 6, 2001. Also, click here to download as a PDF (273kb). For a text transcript, go here.... Posted Sat 04/10/2004
CBS has not posted an official, full transcript of Richard Clarke's explosive appearance on 60 Minutes. Here is an unofficial rush transcript. Leslie Stahl interviews Richard Clark Sixty Minutes March 21, 2004 LESLIE STAHL: ... and was held over by... Posted Tue 03/23/2004
The good folks at The Memory Hole are posting volume 1 of the hearing transcripts from the 1987 investigation known as "Drugs, Law Enforcement and Foreign Policy," chaired by Sen. John Kerry (now running for president). The now legendary hearings... Posted Tue 03/23/2004
The full text of FBI Intelligence Bulletin No. 102, containing the alert to law enforcement to be on the look-out for "potential terrorist use of alamacs." Posted Fri 01/09/2004
A restricted FBI document has leaked, detailing recent FBI "requirements" for "electronic surveillance capabilities" needed so the Bureau can tap "carrier-grade voice-over-IP" (CGVoP). The document, dated January 2003, was intended to "provide guidance" to "service providers and equipment manufacturers." Posted Fri 01/02/2004
Quoting a release from US Central Command (CENTCOM). The following information may be used by those papers wishing to chart US casualties for the 14 days prior to and 14 days after Saddam's capture: Nov. 29 - 2 dead, 1... Posted Fri 01/02/2004
The New York Times revealed on Nov. 25 the existence of a classified FBI bulletin sent to police departments in October in advance of antiwar demonstrations scheduled in Washington, DC and San Francisco. The bulletin provided details on activist organizing,... Posted Mon 12/08/2003
The full text of the Oct. 2003 ACLU Issue Brief detailing MATRIX (Multistate Anti-Terrorism Information Exchange), a program that ties together government and commercial databases in order to allow the authorities to conduct detailed searches on particular individuals, and to search for patterns in this data that can identify individuals possibly involved in terrorist or other criminal activity. Posted Thu 11/13/2003
Full text of an NSA email obtained by the London Observer revealing a 2003 covert operation to conduct surveillance ops on the home and office communications of UN Security Council delegates from nations opposed to a US invasion of Iraq.... Posted Mon 03/03/2003