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March 20, 2003 Delta Force Hit Squads Targetting Saddam -- 'It's What They've Been Training to Do.''Commando force poised to track and kill Saddam U.S. intelligence focused on finding Iraqi leader' (3/19/03 - USA Today)It's hardly a surprise, but USA Today reports that three sources confirm elite US Delta Force units have been assigned to assassinate Saddam Hussein, his sons, and "at least a dozen" of Iraq's top military and political leaders. "It's what Delta has been training 24/7 to do," said one unnamed senior Pentagon official. In 2002, Bush directed the CIA to undertake a covert mission to topple Saddam and, if the operatives believed their lives were in danger, to kill him. Sources tell USA Today's Jack Kelley that assassinating Hussein is preferable to putting him on trial before some manner of tribunal because of "concern that such a trial could rally sympathetic Arabs" and "fuel continuing criticism" of the Bush Administration. All of this may mean that President Bush has secretly rescinded the ban on assassinations, contained in Executive Order 12333. However, some legal experts say this may not be necessary, since under international law an enemy leader can be killed once war has been declared. On the other hand, neither the US nor Britain have officially declared war on Iraq, and the US-led invasion is itself in violation of international law. Delta Force and CIA operatives had been in Iraq weeks ahead of the invasion, in part in an effort to locate Hussein and track his movements in preparation for the assassination plot. Following is the complete article: "Commando force poised to track and kill Saddam U.S. intelligence focused on finding Iraqi leader" Posted Thu 03/20/2003
This has been a really good read, I am proud of our countries SOF & SMU's they are the best in the world. Thank you for this read, you have done such a good job! I do have a question, are we going to maintain a long term base in Iraq, this would be a good idea, it may prove to be useful in years to come! One more thing, I think it is over due that we have a multi service special operations group. It will actually give all members better training and betteer standards. Posted by: Jeff at December 14, 2003 11:21 PM"In the event Saddam believes his end is near . . . he will not 'go quietly in the night,' " writes CIA official Regis Matlak in an unclassified profile of the Iraqi leader.
Fred -- good riddance indeed, though it must be remembered that Hussein maintained his rule for decades in no small part thanks to US assistance, covert and otherwise (copiously documented in all manner of now-declassified US govt. documents -- imagine what's not been declassified!). And while he himself obviously did not go down shooting, I hardly think the large-scale (and growing) insurgency in Iraq could be construed as "going quietly." True, not every element of the insurgency is tied to Hussein's ousted regime, but there's no question that Hussein and his crowd played a large part in organizing it overall, funding it, arming it, etc. Posted by: Editor at December 18, 2003 11:40 AMEditor, Hi Fred - Just to point out: none of this has any impact on the core of the story above, published just before the invasion. Namely that Delta Force hunter squads working under an elite, top-secret umbrella operation were deploying to Iraq with orders to capture or kill Hussein and his inner circle. Which was (and is) absolutely true. But yes you're right, of course. If the Pentagon's claimed 50%-plus reduction in attacks on military targets is accurate, that's not much of a growing insurgency (tho please note the date of my posting; at that point there had not yet been a significant reduction in reported attacks). But that figure does not include numbers on attacks against non-military (civilian) targets. We know those have been on the rise, to the point where it's widely recognized as a probable shift in strategy that (incidentally) predates Hussein's capture. Never forget that there are standing orders not to count civilian casualties in Iraq. Anyway, I view that reported decline as a probably temporary abatement, and that we'll most likely see a re-escalation sooner rather than later. This is for two primary reasons (among others). First, I'd wager that the eventuality of Hussein's capture and an at least partial round-up of his resistance command structure had been anticipated, and some manner of Plan B for the reconstituting of the Hussein-aligned resistance is now operational. Whether it will succeed or prove significant is another question which will be borne out in weeks and months to come. But secondly, and most importantly, Hussein's resistance network is not the only significant element in the Iraq insurgency. Another factor is that Hussein is now a living martyr whose fate in the hands of the despised invaders will, in the end, only further inspire the fight against them. And that martyrdom has potency for millions of Muslims, regardless of what they think of Hussein the man and his rule. As for the profile, yes CIA profiler Regis evidently mis-predicted Hussein's capture, though note he did speak in probabilities (like a good profiler) and we don't know what else his report contained. Also: the quote comes from a declassified profile, meaning it may well not represent the true state of the operational NSC psych brief on "Elvis" -- or it may even be disinfo. In any case, it would be SOP to have more than one profiler prepare reports on a target like that -- Regis' opinion was undoubtedly one of several. Posted by: Editor at January 2, 2004 02:26 PM |
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